The home of Scottish Bridge

We are deeply saddened to report the death of John Murdoch on15 December. John was a mainstay of Scottish Bridge, a staunch supporter of all our competitions and a regular member of Scottish International teams.

John's funeral will be held at Co-op Funeralcare, Sunnyside Road Alloa FK10 2AP on Wednesday January 3 at 11am.

He was a bridge player of the highest quality and an excellent partner. He won 44 Camrose Caps between 1988 and 2015 with six different partners; and appeared in 6 Senior Camrose teams with three different partners. He played twice in our Open Team at the European Championships, and 7 times in our Senior team.  He was a member of the Senior team that won Scotland’s first and only medal at the 2012 European Championships in Dublin; the team went on to reach the quarter-finals of the World Championships later that year.  He was also a member of the winning team at the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

He was 9th on the list of Grand Masters who have won most red points: notable successes were 7 wins in each of the Scottish Cup and the Winter Foursomes; and he won the Arthur Grand Master Pairs 5 times. 

John also contributed to Scottish bridge by his input to the Bidding panel in the SBUNews – he had many original ideas and was anxious to share. 

John was a modest, quiet-spoken man. He was good company, warm, charming and witty. He will be much missed as a team-mate and friend.

Our condolences go to his wife, Betty, his constant companion on trips abroad, and all their family.