A recent spate of confirmed COVID cases after the Central District congress at Montrose reminds us that we must continue to be COVID aware.
It has to be accepted that attendance over 3- 4 days at a bridge Congress provides ample opportunity for viruses to spread. As well as close proximity for hours at the bridge table these are highly social events, with room parties extending often well into the early hours.
It is recommended that before attending any residential event, or f2f events with large numbers, you should self- test if evidencing any COVID symptoms, however mild. You must not attend if you test positive. Even if you don’t test positive if you strongly suspect you may have COVID you should consider not attending, but if you do you should test daily.
If you do test positive for COVID following the event, within the week, you must let the organisers know so they can inform all attendees.
Please be responsible, be COVID aware and help us and fellow players feel confident that there is no unnecessary enhanced risk to them or those at home when they attend these events.