Spence Cup
This event has been cancelled.
Match pointed pairs (39 boards) for the winners and runners-up in the Pairs Championship of each of the seven Districts. Venue rotates around the districts.
Winter Fours (2021/22)
Please enter here for the whole event (which is over two weekends), and use "YOURNAME W4" as your payment reference. The cost is £140 per team. See the event poster.
Please send your convention cards to Anne Perkins.
Notes: we need to collect BBO usernames from everyone so that in the event of your team playing in the Swiss event, we have everything we need without having to chase people at the time.
(The red asterisk in the booking form shows a compulsory field. Clearly if you have more than 4 players we need full details of players 5,6,7 and 8 also)
Winter Swiss Teams (2)
Swiss teams of four, five or six. 8 rounds of 6 boards.
Starting 11am on BBO with 90 minute break after round 3/4. Estimated finish time 18:10pm
Entry Fee £48 per team (this event was £60 per team when F2F). BBO$ prizes. Payment should be made to the SBU in advance.
Members of teams registering only for the Winter Swiss Teams must all be SBU members
Teams eliminated from the Winter Foursomes will be invited to enter at no additional charge: there is no need for these teams to enter the event directly and they need not be SBU members.
Winter Swiss Teams (2021/22)
Swiss teams of four, five or six. 8 rounds of 6 boards.
Starting 11am on BBO with 90 minute break after round 3/4. Estimated finish time 18:10pm
Entry Fee £48 per team (this event was £60 per team when F2F). BBO$ prizes. Payment should be made to the SBU in advance.
Members of teams registering only for the Winter Swiss Teams must all be SBU members
Teams eliminated from the Winter Foursomes will be invited to enter at no additional charge: there is no need for these teams to enter the event directly and they need not be SBU members.
Men's National Pairs (2021/22)
Open to all SBU members and played on Real Bridge. Please register here to give an idea of numbers.
Buchanan Cup
Starting at 11am, Swiss Pairs (8 rounds of 6 boards) with a 90 minute break after round 4
Estimated break time 1:50pm - 3:20pm. Estimated finish 6:10pm
Entry Fee
£12 per person (this tournament was charged at £16 per person when it was F2F). Payment should be made to the SBU account.
Master Points
Maximum award of 10 National Points based on a minimum entry of 32 pairs. Awards to the top 1/4 of the field. An award of 0.25 National Points will be made for each match won and 0.13 for each match drawn.
Women's National Pairs (2021/22)
Open to all SBU members and played on Real Bridge. Please register here to give an idea of numbers.
Cyril Breene Trophy
Starting at 11am, Swiss Pairs (8 rounds of 6 boards) with a 90 minute break after round 4
Estimated break time 1:50pm - 3:20pm. Estimated finish 6:10pm
Entry Fee
£12 per person (this tournament was charged at £16 per person when it was F2F). Payment should be made to the SBU account.
Master Points
Maximum award of 10 National Points based on a minimum entry of 32 pairs. Awards to the top 1/4 of the field. An award of 0.25 National Points will be made for each match won and 0.13 for each match drawn.
Women's National Teams (2021/22)
Open to all SBU members and played on BBO. Please register here to give an idea of numbers. NOTE all must register on BBO in the period two hours before the start time.
For the Glasgow Bulletin Trophy and the Beatrice Craig Cup,
Starting at 11am, Swiss Teams 6 rounds of 8 boards with a 90 minute break after round 3
Estimated break time 1:50pm - 3:20pm. Estimated finish 6:10pm
Pairs seeking team mates, please contact the convenor. Please read: How to Register for Swiss Teams
Entry Fee
BBO$15 per person to be paid at registration on the day (this tournament was charged at £16 (over $21) per person when it was F2F).
Master Points
Maximum award of 10 National Points based on an entry level of 24 teams. Awards to the top 1/4 of the field with an award of 0.25 for each match won and 0.13 for each match drawn.
Men's National Teams (2021/22)
Open to all SBU members and played on BBO. Please register here to give an idea of numbers. NOTE all must register on BBO in the period two hours before the start time.
For the Benny Dexter Trophy
Starting at 11am, Swiss Teams 6 rounds of 8 boards with a 90 minute break after round 3
Estimated break time 1:50pm - 3:20pm. Estimated finish 6:10pm
Pairs seeking team mates, please contact the convenor. Please read: How to Register for Swiss Teams
Entry Fee
BBO$15 per person to be paid at registration on the day (this tournament was charged at £16 (over $21) per person when it was F2F).
Master Points
Maximum award of 10 National Points based on an entry level of 24 teams. Awards to the top 1/4 of the field with an award of 0.25 for each match won and 0.13 for each match drawn.
National Pairs Qualifiers (all districts)
All District heats of the National Pairs will be held on Sunday 20th March
At least one player must be a member of the District in order to play in that District heat.
Pairs consisting of players from 2 different districts must play in one of those District heats.
Please see the District websites or contact your District Chair for further details of your heat.
National Bronze Teams
All ranks below Regional Master
This means you must be a Bronze ranked player on the mid-March Ranking List to play in this event.
11 am on BBO. Swiss Teams - 7x5 board rounds with a 60-minute break after 4 rounds. Pre-registration is indicative only. BBO$15 per person
Registration will be taken on the day from 9 am on BBO.
A STANDBY TEAM IS NEEDED, you will play for free if needed.
Please contact: SBU Tournament Convener to volunteer